Leadership Development Impact Assessment Toolkit (LDI)

The Leadership Development Impact Assessment Toolkit (LDI) defines a four-step process, along with downloadable tools to measure and provide evidence to organizations that their leadership development program makes a difference. The toolkit is free to all CHLNet network partners. Click here is you are not a CHLNet partner and wish to access the toolkit.


Free Resources: 

LDI Toolkit Overview

Logged in Partners can access the toolkit details, and downloadable resources.


Our goal is to collect impact data and share it. If you would like to register your project, please contact Kelly Grimes, CHLNet Executive Director:


This toolkit is intended to be self directed. However, if you need additional educational support, please contact Suzanne Schell, CEO of ROI Institute Canada:



Appreciation is expressed to the following organizations who contributed financial or in-kind contributions to the creation of this tool: