Home / Wise Practices in Leadership Development Toolkit

Wise Practices in Leadership Development (WPLD)
Toolkit - A Resource for
Healthcare Organizations

CHLNet has championed — as part of its Canadian Leadership Action Plan and Strategic Plan —efforts both individually and collectively to improve health leadership through effective leadership development programming. As part of this work, member partners and the CHLNet Health Leadership Exchange and Acceleration Working Group established a project to provide an electronic toolkit of evidence/experience-based and emerging/innovative practices (referred to as ‘wise practices’) and resources that aids CHLNet member partners in creating a powerfully impactful leadership development program, depending on their unique organizational structure, need, and resources they wish to spend. This toolkit is a result of that work.

If you are a CHLNet member and do not know your password please email Grace Gemin at ggemin@chlnet.ca

Wise Practices of Leadership Development Report