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Support Leaders Through Dialogue and Engagement

Network Partners’ Roundtables - Members Only

Network Partner Roundtables occur twice a year where leaders gather at a system level on their leadership challenges (using Chatham House Rule), opportunities and hear project updates. Meeting materials (Network Partners only) can be found below for the last three years.

Background Documents and Minutes:

Towards Leadership Pathways for Health Workforce Wellness

This project prepared by a design team for CHLNet had the goal of assessing how leaders can best address worker burnout and distress at both a network and individual organizational level. A summary and published article are listed below. As well, we partnered with the Canadian Health Workforce Network on a new Health Worker Burnout Toolkit. 

Health Leadership Huddles

Health leaders are constantly facing new leadership challenges to ensure ongoing service delivery and innovation, and create integrated systems that best serve patients, families, essential care partners, and our health and care workforce. Agile and adaptive leadership is being required to move systemic change forward more quickly. We have partnered with Healthcare Excellence Canada  and CCHL to create a national health leadership huddle program. Leaders dialogue with their peers on an identified leadership challenge to gain others perspectives and strategies. Huddles are only 50 minutes in length and are run quarterly for executive leaders within a health or care delivery organization. Email Grace Gemin to learn more. 

Check out CHLNet's past Network Partner update letters below.