May 5th Network Partner Roundtable: Recap

Our Network Partner Roundtable was held on May 5th with over 45 attendees and almost all of our Network Partners represented. Dr. Jane Philpott, Dean Faculty of Health Sciences Queens University and Director School of Medicine and former Minister of Health kicked off our discussion on Shaping the Health System of the Future – Evidence Informed Hope. Her reflections on the 3 superpowers for health leaders – managing uncertainty, learning from our mistakes, and making SOAP notes – really resonated. It set us up nicely for a highly interactive and illuminating conversation that followed with our panelists of Doran Walker (Chair Emerging Health Leaders), Susan Brown (CEO Interior Health), Maria Judd (Healthcare Excellence Canada), and John Lavis (McMaster Global Commission). Our next generation of leaders are beginning to build their backpack filled with values and principles to guide them on their own leadership journeys. Thanks so much to our speaker and panelists. At our roundtable, the network partners also were pleased to approve and welcome new CHLNet member organizations, the University of Alberta  and Interior Health!